Monday, February 8, 2016

Setting up a FC2 drive (for writers_forum)

Step 1: Request the drive through Fileshare Request in the Service Catalog under Security and Access
Step 2: Decide on a share name: writers_forum
Step 3: Who will need access? A consistent group, or will it change from year to year? Will everyone have read/write access to all folders, will some remain private, and/or will some users only be able to read, but not write?
Step 4: Provide a list of netids for access. (CORE: apanning, rwblack, rcushman, kmyers, ccowling. GRAD: Cwess1) – Will need to add bcherry.
Step 5: When share owner is notified, they need to let the users know. In theory, anyone can then map the drive to their desktop.

2016-01-26 14:46:00 EST - Kevin ColagioAdditional comments

We don't contact anyone when it's done. You are listed as the owner.

Any of them will be able to map the drive to a drive letter of their choice. If they need help with this, they can contact the helpdesk or there is probably a knowledge base article somewhere (I haven't dug into that part of Service Now yet...).

If you want, I could send the ticket back to the Helpdesk and they may be able to advise you better...?
