Thursday, September 22, 2016

Live linking an event for an event community

Problem: When you want to refer to a Related Website in an event community, the link works on the Schedule page. It doesn't work on the related metadata page, however.

Ask the Experts event works fine on the schedule - it takes you to:, but on the actual metadata page, it does not. 

Solution: Bepress can add a WYSIWYG field - here are instructions from Lauren:
I’ve made the change for you. Take a look at the submission form:
You’ll see there is now two “Event Website” fields. The first one is the one that was already there. I’ve added some instructions- “Enter the URL that should display on the schedule page. Do not use HTML.” This field will pull the URL straight onto the track:
The new field also called “Event Website,” is a WYSIWYG field. The instructions read “Enter the URL that should display on the article information page. Use the WYSIWYG field to link the URL.” You should enter the same URL, then use the little chain icon to link it. This field will pull the URL into the article information page, here: Because you’ve used the link feature, the item will be hot linked, as you requested.


Friday, September 9, 2016

Diversity and other conferences - making the schedule appear main page

For years now I thought that Support had to work the magic that made the schedule appear on the front page of an event community. Nope, it turns out it is as simple as embedding the Introductory Text on the schedule track page (duh). Of course, then you have to run both a tract level (schedule) and a theme level (year) update to get it to show up.

From the correspondence files:
I think what we’ve got here is another case of the introductory text in the theme configurations instead of the track configurations. If you look at the configurations for the track from 2015, you’ll see that it’s <h3>:
The track level for 2016 is still showing the h2:
You’ll want to update the track level configurations to match that <h3>, then run a track level update and a theme level update.

I might also suggest removing the theme level (2016) introductory text from this year (and maybe 2015) so you don’t run into this again next year.

Another new discovery - if you want to keep text in the coding, but hide it from view the way to do that is - <!-- text to be hidden -->.