6/14/2016: Met with Monica Dailey from C & E, and Jules over at LAB to look at our space needs. We decided on the McCue Auditorium for most of the day, with the workshop to be held in Rm206A/B, lunch on the second floor lounge and English conference room, and breaks on the first floor.
I filled out the Visitor Parking Pass request and spoke to Dave in Parking, and will drop that off today. Parking will be requested in the T lot - no charge.
I updated the online schedule with room assignments (though the DC website appears to be down at the moment).
I will meet with library colleagues today to plan a Thursday night event - ideas include:
Wine & Cheese reception (maybe without the wine)
Tour of the library and archives
Dine Arounds
Tour of downtown
Pick up registration packets
Talked to Patty Sorel (2379), confirmed our arrangements for the User Group meeting, and our reservation for the NY Room for 9/30. (6/21/2016)
Talked to Susan Vasquez, building coordinator for LAB about air conditioning and use of TV. She referred me to Facilities (2408) for the HVAC, and said the process for using the monitors is to get them approved by the building (deans, etc.) and then it goes to Kurt for uploading. They would need to be pdf. Very cool! I can send her a sample of the slideshow next week for approval, and then the final product can go directly to Kurt. (6/22/2016)