Example: http://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/dcglug/
Ask the Experts event works fine on the schedule - it takes you to: https://padlet.com/kmyers20/pfq43sp4oegj, but on the actual metadata page, it does not.
Solution: Bepress can add a WYSIWYG field - here are instructions from Lauren:
I’ve made the change for you. Take a look at the submission form:
You’ll see there is now two “Event Website” fields. The first one is the one that was already there. I’ve added some instructions- “Enter the URL that should display on the schedule page. Do not use HTML.” This field will pull the URL straight onto the track:
The new field also called “Event Website,” is a WYSIWYG field. The instructions read “Enter the URL that should display on the article information page. Use the WYSIWYG field to link the URL.” You should enter the same URL, then use the little chain icon to link it. This field will pull the URL into the article information page, here:
http://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/divconf/2016/schedule/21/ Because you’ve used the link feature, the item will be hot linked, as you requested.