Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Useful blog posts

Software PetaPixel: re.photos is a Photo Sharing Service for Then-and-Now Photos. "re.photos is a new website decided to helping people create and share then-and-now photos. The site helps you automatically align before-and-after photos to show how things have changed over time. Known as 'rephotography,' this is the act of taking a photo of a scene that has already been photographed some time ago." https://petapixel.com/2017/11/27/re-photos-photo-sharing-service-now-photos/ Great potential for Digital Humanity projects
Six ways to make your ORCID iD work for you: http://orcid.org/blog/2017/08/10/six-ways-make-your-orcid-id-work-you?ref=email 

Next steps for Text and Data Mining - with links to symposium held at Cambridge on the topic: https://unlockingresearch.blog.lib.cam.ac.uk/?p=1505

The Strategic Investments of Content Providers - what the big four are up to (Elsevier, Springer, ProQuest and Ebsco): http://www.sr.ithaka.org/blog/the-strategic-investments-of-content-providers/

Video editing tools: NeverEnding Search: Typito: Your post production buddy. "Post-production is what makes your media feel professional and done. But not everyone has access to, or the chops to use, a robust video editor like Final Cut Pro or Adobe After Effects. And not everyone wants to spend the arduous time it sometimes takes to make a video product feel professionally spiffy. Typito is a relatively new video editing tool designed to be your time-saving, affordable, post-production friend. It allows even rookie editors to create a little magic on top of the videos they shoot or collect."

Auto transcription of videos: The Distant Librarian (and thanks for the mention, Paul!): A quick showdown of three automatic transcription tools. "I didn't realize it was that long ago, but last December I started playing with an automatic transcription tool called AutoEdit2, and found it pretty decent. Yesterday and today, ResearchBuzz led me to two new options, so I thought I'd do a quick comparison." (Tried the Google Docs Voice Typing)
Another tool for transcription: https://artplusmarketing.com/heres-an-easier-way-to-edit-your-podcasts-e54d21bd13cd 

Great post about creating an interactive map in Google Sheets: 

The new Omeka:
ACRL TechConnect: Introducing Omeka S . "My library has used Omeka as part of our suite of platforms for creating digital collections and exhibits for many years now. It’s easy to administer and use, and many of our students, particularly in history or digital humanities, learn how to create exhibits with it in class or have experience with it from other institutions, which makes it a good solution for student projects. This creates challenges, however, since it’s been difficult to have multiple sites or distributed administration.... This problem goes away with Omeka S, which is the new and completely rebuilt Omeka."

subject repositories

Today, ChemRxiv™ Beta, the new chemistry preprint server for the global chemistry community, powered by Figshare, is open for submissions!

By harnessing Figshare’s new preprint capabilities, ChemRxiv will facilitate the rapid and open dissemination of important scientific findings. 

Monday, August 7, 2017

Creating Data Literate Students

I recently watched the 4T Data Literacy Conference on July 20-21, 2017 - sponsored by a grant from IMLS and put on by the University of Michigan School of Information. The videos, ranging from Data Refuge to several on Privacy concerns in the online world, are archived here: http://datalit.sites.uofmhosting.net/conference/schedule/. Examples of other topics include infographics, citizen science, big data and statistics. There is also an accompanying book that is currently being distributed through their website and will be available for full download later this fall.

I feel this is an area that most of us don't feel comfortable with, and so would be a great growth opportunity and a possible topic for student workshops.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Selected Works/Experts Gallery

From the correspondence files with bepress:
there are ways to create embedded that are limited by some facet or other. For example, this is a Research Collaborative that has been limited by what we call “organization”:
highlight new faculty using the Expert Gallery Suite. Cedarville does this using an image gallery that links to their SelectedWorks profiles:
http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/new_faculty_2016-2017_gallery/ If you click an image or a “Learn more” link in the content carousel, this takes you to a SelectedWorks profile.