Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Administrators of Digital Commons collections/journals

Name of collection Administrator
Brockport Bookshelf Erin Sharwell esharwell@brockport.edu
Brockport Believes Susan M. Perry sperry@brockport.edu
CMST Lesson Plans Leigh J Little llittle@brockport.edu
Dissenting Voices - student journal Barbara LeSavoy blesavoy@brockport.edu; Pat Maxwell pmaxwell@brockport.edu
Dance Master Theses Mariah Maloney mmaloney@brockport.edu;  mkeefe@brockport.edu mkeefe@brockport.edu
Counselor Education Capstone Projects Graduate Assistant edcga@brockport.edu;  Thomas Hernandez thernandez@brockport.edu
Counselor Education Master Theses Thomas Hernandez thernandez@brockport.edu
Education Master Theses Sandra Cimbricz scimbric@brockport.edu; Kathleen Colantonio-Yurko kyurko@brockport.edu; Mary Corey mcorey@brockport.edu; Thomas Giblin tgiblin@brockport.edu; Debra Ann Joseph-McEwen djosephm@brockport.edu; Dana Laird dlaird@brockport.edu; Kathleen M Olmstead kolmstea@brockport.edu; Carole Pelttari cpelttar@brockport.edu; Sue Robb srobb@brockport.edu; Frank Rossi frossi@brockport.edu; Amy Shema alshema@brockport.edu; Lee Ann Townsend ltownsen@brockport.edu; Peter Veronesi pverones@brockport.edu; 
Carol Wade cwade@brockport.edu; Christian P. Wilkens cwilkens@brockport.edu; Jie Zhang jzhang@brockport.edu
Emma Lazarus:  Voice of Liberty, Voice of Conscience Documents Wendy S Prince Ms wprince@brockport.edu
Emma Lazarus:  Voice of Liberty, Voice of Conscience Images Wendy S Prince Ms wprince@brockport.edu
EOP Newsletter Dan B. Askey daskey@brockport.edu
Writers Forum Ephemera James Whorton jwhorton@brockport.edu
From the Writers Forum Archives James Whorton jwhorton@brockport.edu
#History Jonathan Broida jbroi1@u.brockport.edu; Carl Davila cdavila@brockport.edu; Paul Benjamin Moyer pmoyer@brockport.edu; Angela Thompsell athompse@brockport.edu; Jessica Tytler jtytl1@u.brockport.edu
History Master Theses Katherine Clark kaclark@brockport.edu; John Daly jdaly@brockport.edu; Carl Davila cdavila@brockport.edu; Owen Ireland oireland@brockport.edu; jspiller@brockport.edu; Anne Macpherson amacpher@brockport.edu; Morag Martin mmartin@brockport.edu; Paul Benjamin Moyer pmoyer@brockport.edu; Takahashi Nishiyama tnishiya@brockport.edu; Alison M. Parker aparker@brockport.edu; Meredith Roman mroman@brockport.edu; Angela Thompsell athompse@brockport.edu; Jose Torre jrtorre@brockport.edu; Wanda Ellen Wakefield wwakefie@brockport.edu
Jigsaw kproehl@brockport.edu kproehl@brockport.edu;  Wendy S Prince Ms wprince@brockport.edu
Journal of Literary Onomastic Studies Stefan Jurasinski sjurasin@brockport.edu
Library Presentations Mary Jo Orzech morzech@brockport.edu
Public Administration Newsletter Steven Bouteiller sbouteiller@brockport.edu
Open SUNY Portal Logan T Rath lrath@brockport.edu
Portable Channel Photographs Jessica Johnston jessicajohnston@vsw.org
Philosophic Exchange Joseph Long jlong@brockport.edu
Pioneer Record Matthew Ballard matt.ballard@orleanscountyny.gov
PLS Spectrum Dena Levy dlevy@brockport.edu
Honors College Newsletter Andrea Vella avella@brockport.edu
Psychology Master Theses Sara Margolin smargoli@brockport.edu
Posters@Research Events Algernon Kelley akelley@brockport.edu
College Senate Resolutions Linda Hacker lhacker@brockport.edu; Logan T Rath lrath@brockport.edu
Seneca Falls Dialogues Barbara LeSavoy blesavoy@brockport.edu; Pat Maxwell pmaxwell@brockport.edu; Deborah Uman duman@sjfc.edu
Sokol Mary Jo Orzech morzech@brockport.edu
The Spectrum: A Scholars Day Journal Alexander Lyon alyon@brockport.edu; Mary Jo Orzech morzech@brockport.edu
SUNY Brockport eBooks Jennifer Little Kegler jkegler@brockport.edu
Technical Reports Joseph C Makarewicz jmakarew@brockport.edu
VETERANS DAY DOCUMENTS Wendy S Prince Ms wprince@brockport.edu
VETERANS DAY Images Wendy S Prince Ms wprince@brockport.edu
Writers Forum Interviews James Whorton jwhorton@brockport.edu
Writers Forum Photos James Whorton jwhorton@brockport.edu
Writers Forum Videos James Whorton jwhorton@brockport.edu
Site Administrators Charlie Cowling ccowling@brockport.edu; Bob Cushman rcushman@brockport.edu; Pat Maxwell pmaxwell@brockport.edu

Monday, March 25, 2019

Oral History collections

Kim asked:

As we looked around, we liked to layout and options used in the Cedarville Theatre Productions http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/theatre_productions/28/. Specifically, we would like to have a main metadata page (is this a book gallery?) where we can have an image, a few lines of metadata, and then link to a secondary page where we can upload more images, the transcript, and streaming audio files.  We would also like to use the PDF viewer, and in fact, Charlie would love to have that on all appropriate Archives collections.
Is this something you have to activate on your end, or something that is configurable on ours? Also, could you advise me on how the streaming audio works?

Dan answered:

You're right that the Cedarville Theatre Productions collection is a book gallery, along with some customizations. If we set this up as a book gallery, you'll be able to display metadata along with an image. We can also set up the miniature slideshow on the page like the one on the example you sent, if you'd like. If so, we'll just need to set up a new image gallery, and then I'll add a new metadata field on the submit form. Let me know if you'd like to discuss this further, as well as whether you'd like me to set up a book gallery for you to test on.

Embedding streaming audio is very easy. You'll just need to first upload them onto SoundCloud, and then I'll enable the streaming media fields. You'll just input the SoundCloud URL in the URL field, and then you'll select "Other Rich Media" from the dropdown list. Here's an example of how it will look on the page.

Finally, if you'd like to enable the PDF viewer, you can do so from the configurations page. You'll just select the "Enable PDF viewer on item information pages" and then update the publication