Friday, June 27, 2014

College & departmental annual reports

Just got off the phone with Cindy Krautwurst who was inquiring about the stacks of annual report binders that are in the Provost's office (as they prepare for a new Provost). Is this something that is appropriate for Digital Commons? Absolutely!

Cindy will work to box these up, and make arrangements with the moving crew to have them brought over here sometime this summer. It can be a big scanning project for Elizabeth, Rebecca or Kristen, depending on when they arrive. Follow up on this next month, if I don't hear more before then.

I will also talk to Charlie about whether the Archives would like the hard copies, and have him contact Cindy about it.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Brockport Bookshelf

Just after the close of the spring semester, Debby brought me a list of items that Brockport was the publisher for, to consider for digitization and placement in the Brockport Bookshelf. A few were already in there, full text, and I am slowly working my way through others, trying to obtain permission.

Monday, I contacted the Balogs (Linda and Joseph), to ask for permission to digitize Stress Management for Children: a guide for parents, which they readily agreed to, and Kirsten quickly dispatched the job and it is now uploaded. Let's hope for lots of downloads! Today my quest was to seek out Dr. Richard Evans, formerly of Brockport, now in Memphis to request permission for (and a copy of) Capital Programming : A Manual for Vermont Municipalities. 

Along with these duties, I am checking and updating books that don't have a cover image.

6/27/2014: Update on the Vermont book - I heard back from Dr. Evans, who nicely informed me that he wasn't the author of that book (different Richard Evans?). Since we don't actually own a copy of this anyway, I withdrew the book from the repository.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Uploading Education theses, those with abstracts that have been sent letters & emails.
Carol Wade stopped by my office, introduced herself, and thanked me for all the work I have done to help raise the standards of theses being accepted. (Woot!)
I told her I hesitated, not wanting to step on toes, and she said - well sometimes we have to step on toes to get things done, don't we?

Journal statuses Summer 2014

Existing journals:
The Spectrum - what is happening with the new issue? Talk to POS
Dissenting Voices - Volume 3 this summer?
Journal of Literary Onomastics - SJ was getting ready to post new issue, what is the status of his POD question?
Philosophic Exchange - Check to see if GB is ready for more issues uploaded. Were we planning to get together this summer?

New and upcoming journals:
Jigsaw - summer contact?
Literary Onomastics Studies - work on this summer - can Jules do this, or is she too busy elsewhere? Kirsten, perhaps?
The Mind's Eye - Again, GB. Follow up in the fall, if not this summer. Does he want GT to meet with his class? If so, I'd like to join him.
Seneca Falls Dialogues -

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Eagle Diesel

Brockport Eagle Diesel got off to a good start last semester (Spring 2014), however, the staff totally turns over every year. Skyelar Habberfield was very enthusiastic about putting materials online, from organizational flowcharts to grant applications, and would like to have the collection continue to build next year with the new group. He was putting it in the information packet he was going to pass on, and would like me to meet with the group in September.

Archival Audio files

I met with Charlie today to ask about digitizing some books from the Archives, and he showed me the audio files he had dating over the last 20 years - oral history of the college. What a great find. There are 55 files, 16 G of data, mostly in .wav format. I would really love to see this collection get put up!

Suggested two different formats to CC - from Wyoming Scholars Repository (Not Just a Teacher collection), where they stream the interview. They also have a photo of the teacher, and a transcript of the interview as part of the metadata. The second was the Dory collection from Linfield College: where they have the audio file as a download in both MVA and the larger WAV archival formats. This is a slightly more robust collection, with extensive photos, interviews, transcripts, and even some videos. Charlie liked a hybrid approach, as did I, of having a streaming option, combined with being able to download the file, too. I contacted bepress, and they set up a collection on the demo site:

Met with Bob today (6/26) to discuss possible format, etc. to put the audio files up in. He suggested conversion to MPG, with the option to play directly from the browser. He also mentioned not putting up the .wav files to be downloaded, unless we wanted others to be able to edit them - we don't right?

I asked whether this would be something we could get a student with a specific skill set to convert, and he suggested the Communications department might teach that skill set, so to check with them. Or apply for grant money to outsource it.