Monday, October 10, 2016

Calendar of events

February - Fair Use Week - plan some events to publicize what Fair Use means for Education. See: for resources, including a great fair use poster.

April -
Sokol High School Literary Awards, sponsored by Friends and Foundation of the Rochester Public Library. Contact: Rebecca Fuss <>
Director of Programming & Outreach
Friends & Foundation of the Rochester Public Library
115 South Avenue, Rochester NY 14604
Brockport contacts the winners (with information provided by Rebecca), congratulating them and asking their permission to publish their winning entry in Digital Commons. We also send them a release form, (these documents are in the Sokol folder of the DC FC2 drive), attend the ceremony, present them with a certificate (also in DC FC2 Sokol folder) with their name, the name of their entry and the URL where it will be posted. I create the metadata record first and add the presentation after I get the release form (usually at the ceremony). Rebecca usually sends me the pdfs in the week following the ceremony.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Batch uploads using UB Box & Geolocate information & Batch Revision

Upload the files you wish to share to an open shared drive (google drive, dropbox or UB box are some examples).

Open file you wish to share, Choose: Share with people who have the link;
Advanced Settings: Allow downloads, this generates a static IP address

To add files (i.e. combine the batch upload function with the batch revise function):

To add an image to the works, you’ll use column R: fulltext_url. You mentioned you had a hard time pulling in images from an external server, but if you have one that you can use (not password protected, open access), that’s where you’d put the link to the image. You can certainly revise a row to add that link and change other cells at the same time.

Please do not touch the four grey columns on the left that you mentioned: calc_url, context_key, issue, and ctmtime. (There is a new column, as well, original_import_rownum- please feel free to delete that or leave it alone.)

Geolocate_zoom is the column I mentioned above that will make the sidebar map more usable: The default is 5, so if all of your items are in one place, you will want to update your zoom level so that the zoom is higher (up to 18). This will make your map look better.