Friday, April 13, 2018

Creating file names in excel

When we send videos out to be digitized, we also send a spreadsheet with the file names for each. Our initial convention was Collection_Location_AuthorLName_DateOfForum, which might translate into a file name of WF_bro_Baxter_19870305. We have since dropped the Collection_Location segments. I am recording here the formula used to get Excel to generate the file name, as it is not commonly used every day. Here are the columns found on the spreadsheet when we begin:
Box#;LName;FName;Date of Appearance;Format;Barcode with a final generated column for FileName.

Step one is to create a duplicate Date of Appearance column that will convert the date into a text field. The formula for that is: =TEXT(D2,"yyyymmdd") where D2 contains the original Date of Appearance formatted as mm/dd/yyyy.

Step two is to use the formula: =CONCATENATE(B2,"_",E2) where B2 is the LName field and E2 is the properly formatted date field. The "_" is necessary to create the _ between the two.

Kudos to Kelly Deltoro-White for figuring this out on her own, as well!

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