Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Administrators of Digital Commons collections/journals

Name of collection Administrator
Brockport Bookshelf Erin Sharwell esharwell@brockport.edu
Brockport Believes Susan M. Perry sperry@brockport.edu
CMST Lesson Plans Leigh J Little llittle@brockport.edu
Dissenting Voices - student journal Barbara LeSavoy blesavoy@brockport.edu; Pat Maxwell pmaxwell@brockport.edu
Dance Master Theses Mariah Maloney mmaloney@brockport.edu;  mkeefe@brockport.edu mkeefe@brockport.edu
Counselor Education Capstone Projects Graduate Assistant edcga@brockport.edu;  Thomas Hernandez thernandez@brockport.edu
Counselor Education Master Theses Thomas Hernandez thernandez@brockport.edu
Education Master Theses Sandra Cimbricz scimbric@brockport.edu; Kathleen Colantonio-Yurko kyurko@brockport.edu; Mary Corey mcorey@brockport.edu; Thomas Giblin tgiblin@brockport.edu; Debra Ann Joseph-McEwen djosephm@brockport.edu; Dana Laird dlaird@brockport.edu; Kathleen M Olmstead kolmstea@brockport.edu; Carole Pelttari cpelttar@brockport.edu; Sue Robb srobb@brockport.edu; Frank Rossi frossi@brockport.edu; Amy Shema alshema@brockport.edu; Lee Ann Townsend ltownsen@brockport.edu; Peter Veronesi pverones@brockport.edu; 
Carol Wade cwade@brockport.edu; Christian P. Wilkens cwilkens@brockport.edu; Jie Zhang jzhang@brockport.edu
Emma Lazarus:  Voice of Liberty, Voice of Conscience Documents Wendy S Prince Ms wprince@brockport.edu
Emma Lazarus:  Voice of Liberty, Voice of Conscience Images Wendy S Prince Ms wprince@brockport.edu
EOP Newsletter Dan B. Askey daskey@brockport.edu
Writers Forum Ephemera James Whorton jwhorton@brockport.edu
From the Writers Forum Archives James Whorton jwhorton@brockport.edu
#History Jonathan Broida jbroi1@u.brockport.edu; Carl Davila cdavila@brockport.edu; Paul Benjamin Moyer pmoyer@brockport.edu; Angela Thompsell athompse@brockport.edu; Jessica Tytler jtytl1@u.brockport.edu
History Master Theses Katherine Clark kaclark@brockport.edu; John Daly jdaly@brockport.edu; Carl Davila cdavila@brockport.edu; Owen Ireland oireland@brockport.edu; jspiller@brockport.edu; Anne Macpherson amacpher@brockport.edu; Morag Martin mmartin@brockport.edu; Paul Benjamin Moyer pmoyer@brockport.edu; Takahashi Nishiyama tnishiya@brockport.edu; Alison M. Parker aparker@brockport.edu; Meredith Roman mroman@brockport.edu; Angela Thompsell athompse@brockport.edu; Jose Torre jrtorre@brockport.edu; Wanda Ellen Wakefield wwakefie@brockport.edu
Jigsaw kproehl@brockport.edu kproehl@brockport.edu;  Wendy S Prince Ms wprince@brockport.edu
Journal of Literary Onomastic Studies Stefan Jurasinski sjurasin@brockport.edu
Library Presentations Mary Jo Orzech morzech@brockport.edu
Public Administration Newsletter Steven Bouteiller sbouteiller@brockport.edu
Open SUNY Portal Logan T Rath lrath@brockport.edu
Portable Channel Photographs Jessica Johnston jessicajohnston@vsw.org
Philosophic Exchange Joseph Long jlong@brockport.edu
Pioneer Record Matthew Ballard matt.ballard@orleanscountyny.gov
PLS Spectrum Dena Levy dlevy@brockport.edu
Honors College Newsletter Andrea Vella avella@brockport.edu
Psychology Master Theses Sara Margolin smargoli@brockport.edu
Posters@Research Events Algernon Kelley akelley@brockport.edu
College Senate Resolutions Linda Hacker lhacker@brockport.edu; Logan T Rath lrath@brockport.edu
Seneca Falls Dialogues Barbara LeSavoy blesavoy@brockport.edu; Pat Maxwell pmaxwell@brockport.edu; Deborah Uman duman@sjfc.edu
Sokol Mary Jo Orzech morzech@brockport.edu
The Spectrum: A Scholars Day Journal Alexander Lyon alyon@brockport.edu; Mary Jo Orzech morzech@brockport.edu
SUNY Brockport eBooks Jennifer Little Kegler jkegler@brockport.edu
Technical Reports Joseph C Makarewicz jmakarew@brockport.edu
VETERANS DAY DOCUMENTS Wendy S Prince Ms wprince@brockport.edu
VETERANS DAY Images Wendy S Prince Ms wprince@brockport.edu
Writers Forum Interviews James Whorton jwhorton@brockport.edu
Writers Forum Photos James Whorton jwhorton@brockport.edu
Writers Forum Videos James Whorton jwhorton@brockport.edu
Site Administrators Charlie Cowling ccowling@brockport.edu; Bob Cushman rcushman@brockport.edu; Pat Maxwell pmaxwell@brockport.edu

Monday, March 25, 2019

Oral History collections

Kim asked:

As we looked around, we liked to layout and options used in the Cedarville Theatre Productions http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/theatre_productions/28/. Specifically, we would like to have a main metadata page (is this a book gallery?) where we can have an image, a few lines of metadata, and then link to a secondary page where we can upload more images, the transcript, and streaming audio files.  We would also like to use the PDF viewer, and in fact, Charlie would love to have that on all appropriate Archives collections.
Is this something you have to activate on your end, or something that is configurable on ours? Also, could you advise me on how the streaming audio works?

Dan answered:

You're right that the Cedarville Theatre Productions collection is a book gallery, along with some customizations. If we set this up as a book gallery, you'll be able to display metadata along with an image. We can also set up the miniature slideshow on the page like the one on the example you sent, if you'd like. If so, we'll just need to set up a new image gallery, and then I'll add a new metadata field on the submit form. Let me know if you'd like to discuss this further, as well as whether you'd like me to set up a book gallery for you to test on.

Embedding streaming audio is very easy. You'll just need to first upload them onto SoundCloud, and then I'll enable the streaming media fields. You'll just input the SoundCloud URL in the URL field, and then you'll select "Other Rich Media" from the dropdown list. Here's an example of how it will look on the page.

Finally, if you'd like to enable the PDF viewer, you can do so from the configurations page. You'll just select the "Enable PDF viewer on item information pages" and then update the publication

Monday, February 11, 2019

Reports from the Digital Commons Dashboard

To generate a report with submission URLs and the date the submission was added to the repository: 
First, go to the Dashboard and set it to show the entire Digital Commons @Brockport repository and the date range for all time. Next, navigate to the Usage Reports tab. In the Downloads section, click Generate Report, select Details for all works, and click Email me the report. The report spreadsheet generated will include the submission title, URL, when the submission was first published, the state, and number of downloads. The “First published” column on the spreadsheet will be the date the work was posted to the repository. You can use this field to sort by the date to to look at only those works published after April 2018. The URL column will be the submission URL, which includes the publication URL, which you can use to help determine if they were posted to a faculty publication collection

Monday, February 4, 2019

FC2 Drives

These are the FC2 drives I "own" and who has access to them

Writers Forum:



Thursday, December 13, 2018

Vision for Water Resources of New York State and the Great Lakes collection

Vision for Water Resources of New York State and the Great Lakes collection:
The Studies on Water Resources of New York State and the Great Lakes  community in Digital Commons @Brockport seeks to be the major resource for scientists and other researchers in this field. It is modeled after the Cornell ILR Digital Commons, which houses all types of documents pertaining to Industrial and Labor Relations in NYS.
The Water Resources community currently has 2 collections. The first and largest collection consists of 80+ Technical Reports. These were funded by grants from Soil and Water Conservation Districts across NY, and written primarily by Dr. Makarewicz and graduate students from Environmental Science and Biology. These reports were to: a) determine the sources and locations of pollution in local waterways, b) recommend best practices for watershed management, and c) provide follow up monitoring to assess successes and report areas still in need of improvement. A second, smaller collection consists of relevant journal articles virtually gathered from Environmental Science and Biology faculty publications, as well as newspaper and newsletter clippings.
I propose adding a third collection to this community, government documents from our print collection. Here is the plan I would use:
1.      With the assistance of Dr. Joseph Makarewicz, identify essential government documents from our print collection.
2.      Using student help, determine which of these already exist online.
a.      If a document exists in a government database, then add only metadata and a link out to the document. It could then be potentially weeded from our collection.
b.      If a document is not found to be online, set aside to be scanned at a later date. It could then be added to the repository, and potentially weeded from our collection.

Why is this an important part of our repository?
1.      The College at Brockport has a long history of supporting Lake Ontario Research. This community supports that initiative.
2.      2013 is the next cycle year for Intensive Monitoring of Lake Ontario. There have been attempts in the past to develop a repository where existing data could be searched and new data deposited. This has never been successful, according to Dr. Makarewicz, because there has never been a library willing to take a leadership role in maintaining and updating such a repository.
3.      In many ways, this community represents the body of scholarly work produced by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz, a Distinguished Service Professor Department of Environmental Science and Biology, who will soon be approaching retirement. To be able to provide an archive for his work, especially the grey literature that may otherwise disappear, is one of the important purposes of a scholarly repository.

4.      Finally, this community has begun to garner attention on a national level, through our repository provider, bepress. They have expressed an interest in sharing this community as an outstanding example of a repository extending their outreach beyond the doors of their local institution. Such attention will serve to drive more traffic to our site, and bring more attention to The College.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Notes from the 2018 site-wide update

Angeline Hong replied:
Hi Kim,
Great questions and thanks again for your phone call! I am recapping our conversation in this reply.
1a. I think what you are currently doing (re-grouping departments to their new communities) sounds good. I mentioned that you can create new communities to reflect the new school names if you are concerned about the URLs.
1b. I recommended collecting the two Computational Science articles into the Earth Science publication so that it retains the download counts. Then, you can exclude the publication and School of Science and Mathematics community from the Collections page. You can also include a note in the introductory text pointing visitors to the new Earth Science collection.
For the old Science and Math school community, one option is I can delete this community. Or, you can keep this community and similarly exclude it from the Collections page and add a note in the introductory text pointing visitors to the new community. I would recommend excluding the publication rather than hiding it, as hiding will prevent updating of the series which you may need to do if you ever need to revise the articles. You can find these options in the “Community Visibility” or “Series Visibility” section in the Configuration page.
2. All the publications grouped under CMST Institute except for one just need to be updated so the sidebar link is removed. (I will run a site-wide update at the end of the day, so you do not need to update them.) The Lesson Plans series still has the CMST sidebar link in the Configurations, and this will need to be removed from the Configurations.
3. From your second email, the download counts will be reflected in the new communities. The new grouping and downloads may not be reflected in the Dashboard and readership map automatically, but should after a few days.
4. After changing the grouping, you may need to update at the publication, community, and site levels. You provided feedback (thank you!) that the language the system uses after updating the grouping isn’t clear when or where to update. I have noted your feedback on a feature request for including language that makes it more clear and obvious when to update.
5a. We discussed the Department of Health Science community and how this has become two new departments, the Department of Healthcare Studies and the Department of Public Health and Health Education. For the Faculty Publications, we discussed collecting or re-uploading the single work in the Public Health and Health Education Faculty Publications series into the “Health Science Faculty Publications” series. Then, you can rename the Health Science Faculty Publications to use the department name, note the department change in the introductory text, and exclude the other series. If you re-upload the article rather than collecting it, then I can also delete the Public Health and Health Education Faculty Publications series.
5b. For the student work (honors theses, master’s theses), we discussed renaming the publication so it includes the years the department were active and it will be clear the old department is no longer active. You could then re-group these publications into a new department community. You could also call it “Health Science Honors Theses (Archival)” Or “Archived Health Science Honors Theses”.
I also took a look around and found these two works from Iowa State University about academic restructuring in institutional repositories that may be of interest:
At the end of today I will run a site-wide update. This will not affect any submissions that are queued for update, but will update any grouping/introductory text/configuration changes. This should be complete by tomorrow and I will let you know when it is done. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if I can clarify anything.
P.S. I had the pleasure of meeting Mary Jo Orzech earlier this week and I hope she enjoyed her time in California. It was lovely getting to meet someone from The College at Brockport!

Original message
Kim wrote:

Hi Angeline,
We are doing an extensive site update to reflect two major events that have occurred at Brockport in the last few years.
1. Our college reorganized from six schools/colleges to three. Since Schools were a major community division, there were many departments that had to be moved. Any suggestions on how to deal with this? I probably should have asked in advance, instead of when I was halfway through. Here is what I have done so far:
a. The School of Arts and Sciences is new, and contains all of the old School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and well as the departments from the School of Science and Mathematics. I regrouped all the SciMath departments into the new school, and kept the URL from the old AHSS school and repurposed it for the new Arts and Sciences school.
b. What I am left with in the old Science and Math school is one department that no longer exists - Computational Science. How do I best deal with that? The two articles in that series belong to a faculty who is now housed in Earth Science. I could redirect them there, but should I then hide the old department and the old school?
2. Our college website crashed and had to be rebuilt from scratch, and they used a new URL naming protocol when they did it. That meant many of the links in our sidebar didn't work anymore. One such example is the CMST Institute - see our collection here: https://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/cmst_institute/. The web team has never created a new page for it, so I removed the sidebar link from the community page, but it contains 12 collections that inherited that sidebar link, and I can't seem to find where I go to remove the dead link from them. Perhaps that is something you have to do?

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Planning for the future

Perhaps it's time for a Digital Commons reboot. That is to say, what is the direction the DC should take in the next academic year and beyond? Where are our energies best expended? How will Digital Commons be managed after I leave, and ideally as we prepare for the future while I am here!

Here are some parking lot items:

  1. Update and post the policies 
    1. What do we need policies for?
    2. Where should we host the policies?
    3. Who needs to approve them?
  2. Do a site review
    1. Are the pages current?
    2. Deans?
    3. Names of schools?
    4. Names of chairs
    5. URLs for the department website
    6. Are there collections without any content?
    7. Are there collections that should be updated - more content could be added?
  3. What languishing submissions do we have? Deal with those.
  4. Check filters on collections - especially Masters Theses - should change Within All Publications to Within (the specific collection). Otherwise, Senior Honor Theses for that department could show up.