Terms regarding Administrators/Editors:
They all will have at the very least “is_editor.”
After that, here is the translation of those permissions and my
can_configure: View Configuration tab. Editors
should have this if you want them to be able to adjust the look and feel of the
structure via the configuration tab.
can_edbypass: Submit for authors. This is
really important if you want them to be able to upload.
can_edit: Edit submissions in this publication.
This is also really important if you want them to have access to the “Manage
Submissions” screen (as opposed to just the configuration screen).
can_see_all_submissions: Can See All
Submissions. Same thing as above.
can_edit_collections: View collection tool. Up
to you!
can_element : Create volumes, issues, tracks,
and themes. This should only be available on event communities and journals.
The fact that it’s available on /opensuny, a book gallery, is a known quirk
right now. It won’t hurt anyone to have this.
can_mailing : Send mailings. This gives access
to the “mailing list” tool on structures. This is something rarely used- do you
use it on any publications?
can_regen: Update. Anyone who should be able to
update the site should have this.
can_register_decision: Register decision. I
believe that /opensuny was using peer review, so it’s important that editors
have this if in publications that are registering decisions, if you want them
to be able to do so.
can_seereports: View Digital Commons Dashboard.
This is a great permission to give even if the administrators won’t do anything
else with the publication! They’ll get monthly readership reports and have
full-time access to the Dashboard for that publication.
can_see_reviewers: See Reviewers link. Again, I
think /opensuny is using peer review, so this kind of permission is important
for those editors needing to access the peer review tools.
gets_editor_mail: Receive email notifications.
We’ve talked about this one in the past in discussions about ETDs. This is for
folks who should know about new submissions, updates, posts, etc.