Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Student research conference concerns

From the Digital Commons Google group: 11/16/2016 by Meaghan Heselden <corbettm@email.gwu.edu>
For faculty and students who are concerned about the implications of publishing in the future, or about making their data publicly available before they've had the opportunity to submit a manuscript to a journal, we offer the option to embargo posters for a period of their choice (6 months up to 3 years). I've also pointed out the policies of several prominent health sciences journals and publishers that don't consider posters to be prior or duplicate publication, such as: 

We would advise our students to read individual journals' policies, and to contact the journal directly with any questions or concerns about their editorial process--we offer to assist with that, as well. 

Monday, June 26, 2017

Example email asking for publisher permission to post in IR

Dear Editor,
I am working with Dr. xxx xxxx of The College at Brockport, State University of New York to deposit electronic versions of his/her papers in The College at Brockport's institutional repository,  Digital Commons @Brockport , for educational and research purposes.

I am writing to request permission to deposit an electronic version of the following:
Appropriate citation
This request is for non-exclusive, non-commercial, one-time, single-use permission for educational and research only. Copyright notice, citation of original publication data, DOI number, and a hotlink to your site (if desired) will be given.

Our repository is the institutional archive, maintained at the Drake Memorial Library, for research and scholarship emanating from The College at Brockport. A single electronic version will be archived and become available for viewing by visitors to the Library’s Digital Commons site. For more information about the repository or its policies, please contact me at the email or phone below.

May we have permission to deposit an electronic version of this article?

Thank you for your assistance. 

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Outside blog post - Font typeface that translates into 93 languages w/o missing characters

Digital Trends: This Font Translates Into 93 Languages Without Those Odd Missing Characters. "A font is just a font, right? Well, when fonts are translated into different languages, missing characters are often turned into empty boxes, with the result being text that is not exactly lost in translation, but lost within the limitations of the typeface. Massachusetts-based font company Monotype launched SST typeface earlier this week, a font that can be translated into 93 different languages without the hieroglyphic boxes."
Perhaps this is something we need to have for the SUNY Brockport eBook platform? 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Science theses with supplemental content such as data sets

http://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/env_theses/108/ was a thesis that had supplemental content in the form of data sets submitted. Science theses are under a one-year embargo period, but supplemental content will still show. During the embargo period you will have to go in and uncheck the box to show supplemental content. You can add a reminder to yourself via the “Add reminder” link on the submission details screen on the left sidebar. If you don't see the “Add reminder” option as the last link at the bottom of the second section, contact support, they have to enable the setting.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Notes on administering an event community

The SEGue Event Community administration:

Event communities consist of Themes (years), Tracks (schedule), and Events (submissions), as well as Introductory Text and some documents (such as the program).

To create a new Theme:
Go to Configuration, Create new theme, Submit changes. It will bring you to a new page where you will add your theme title (2018), and if you want, a link to the English department and label, in the THEME CONFIGURATION section. Submit changes.

To create a new Track:
Go to the Configuration section of your new theme (2018), select Create New track. Submit changes. It will bring you to a new page where you will add your track title (schedule), and if you want, a link to the English department and label, in the TRACK CONFIGURATION section. Submit changes.

To assign events to a track:
Go to Manage Events. Click on an event title, go to Revise Event in the left sidebar. Check to see if there is a Session Title assigned and other things that need to be removed or added. For example, to place it in a specific order in the schedule, there needs to be a starting time assigned. Use a 24 hours format. An ending time is not required. Once you have looked at all the metadata (page information), then click SUBMIT at the bottom of the page, and choose Post in the left sidebar. Assign it to the correct track, and when you are all done, update the site.

How to revise an event that is already posted:

You can do this two ways. One would be to go to the Manage Events page, and choose the State: All events (the default will be Not Yet Posted). The easier way is to go to the (front end) schedule page (http://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/segue/2017/). Right click on the event title you want to revise so it opens in a new tab. Choose Edit Event. It takes you to the metadata page. Choose Revise Event in the left sidebar. Make your changes, click SUBMIT at the bottom of the page. Close the tab. Go back to the schedule page and do the same thing for the remaining events you want to revise. When you have revised everything you need, update all the levels (Update IR Event Community in sidebar). 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017