Report Mid Year Project Outcomes
1) Please consider the original timeline and deliverable targets. How is your project progressing compared with the original estimates?*
Our project called for hosting the ACRL day-long workshop, “Scholarly Communication: From Understanding to Engagement” in the fall and survey the library staff who do scholarly communication tasks in order to create a network, share best practices, and look for opportunities to collaborate on projects. We hosted the workshop on 9/30/2016, with 45 attendees. The next step will be to create the survey. We are currently right on track.
2) How is spending progressing when compared with the original budget estimates? (You may also choose to detail issues regarding access to funds in the next three questions).*
We applied for $20,000 grant but only received $10,000. We have spent approximately $8200 of that amount on the conference.
3) Please provide feedback regarding your experience with the project execution, in particular any issues or roadblocks you’ve encountered that may have been unexpected.*
It will be challenging to complete all the tasks we set out to do with only half the funding.
4) What are your positive observations or pleasant surprises about your team’s interaction or project process that might would be helpful to other PI’s?*
Initial feedback from conference attendees include such comments as:
“these conversations refresh my enthusiasm for scholarly communications issues”
“I want to get our faculty up to speed and comfy with OA but my info dates back to 2006; I need(ed) a refresh”
“(I am) meeting others in my field, gaining new knowledge, learning new ways to help faculty and students”
“I feel less alone in this SCHOLCOMM world”
5) Please describe any challenges you’ve encountered working with your project team that you’ve found solutions for that might be helpful to other PI’s.*